Stop Motion.
Stop motion es la animación en estado puro, construyendo la realidad fotograma a fotograma, manipulando el muñeco con las propias manos.Trabajar con plastilina, alambre, látex, arena, recortes de papel, pixilación... Empezar por el fotograma #1 y no parar.
Stop motion is animation in its pure state, constructing reality frame by frame. You manipulate the puppet with your own hands, using a diversity of tools and materials such as plasticine, wire, latex, sand, paper cuts, pixilation....You start with frame #1 and then there is no stopping!
Stop motion is animation in its pure state, constructing reality frame by frame. You manipulate the puppet with your own hands, using a diversity of tools and materials such as plasticine, wire, latex, sand, paper cuts, pixilation....You start with frame #1 and then there is no stopping!